Introduction to TRPC: A Type-safe API Layer for TypeScript Applications


In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, maintaining type safety while interacting with APIs is crucial for building robust and maintainable applications. TRPC (short for TypeScript Relay RPC) is a powerful tool that addresses this need, providing a type-safe API layer for TypeScript applications. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of TRPC, its benefits, and how it can enhance the development experience.

What is TRPC?

TRPC is a TypeScript-first framework for building type-safe APIs. It embraces the concept of GraphQL's static typing but without the need for a GraphQL server. Instead, TRPC focuses on creating a strongly-typed API layer for TypeScript applications, making it easier to catch errors during development rather than runtime.

Key Features:

  1. Type Safety: One of the primary goals of TRPC is to bring strong static typing to API interactions. This means you can catch errors related to API usage at compile-time rather than discovering them at runtime.

  2. Intuitive Syntax: TRPC leverages TypeScript's ability to infer types, resulting in a clean and intuitive syntax. Developers can interact with the API in a way that feels natural while enjoying the benefits of type safety.

  3. Efficient Code Generation: TRPC uses code generation to create type-safe API clients based on your API schema. This not only reduces the likelihood of runtime errors but also improves development speed by providing autocompletion and type hints in your code editor.

Getting Started with TRPC


Getting started with TRPC is straightforward. Begin by installing the TRPC package:

npm install trpc
# or
yarn add trpc

Next, you'll need to set up your TRPC project and define your API schema.

Defining the API Schema:

Create a TRPC directory in your project and define your API schema using TypeScript. Specify your endpoints, queries, and mutations, along with their expected input and output types.

// trpc/schema.ts

import { initTRPC } from 'trpc';

export const t = initTRPC();

export const myApi = t.api({
  getUser: t.procedure.input<{ userId: string }>().query((opts) => async (input) => {
    // Your API logic here
    return { id: input.userId, name: 'John Doe' };

Generating API Clients:

Run the trpc generator to create the type-safe API clients:

npx trpc generate
# or
yarn trpc generate

This command will generate TypeScript files that represent your API schema and client functions for making requests.

Using TRPC in Your Application:

Now you can use the generated API client in your application code with full type safety:

import { myApi } from '../trpc/schema';

const UserProfile: React.FC<{ userId: string }> = ({ userId }) => {
  const { data } = myApi.getUser.useQuery({ userId });

  if (!data) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  return <div>{`User: ${}`}</div>;

Benefits of Using TRPC

  1. Reduced Runtime Errors: By catching API-related errors at compile-time, TRPC minimizes the chances of runtime issues, leading to more robust and reliable applications.

  2. Improved Developer Experience: The intuitive syntax and autocompletion provided by TRPC's type-safe API layer enhance the overall developer experience, reducing the cognitive load when working with APIs.

  3. Easy Maintenance: As your project grows, maintaining and refactoring code becomes more manageable with TRPC. The generated types help you identify and update all parts of your codebase affected by API changes.


In the world of web development, making sure your code behaves as expected is crucial. trpc comes to the rescue by offering a helping hand to TypeScript developers, especially those who are just starting out.

In simpler terms, trpc is like a superhero for your code. It helps catch mistakes before you even run your app, making sure everything runs smoothly. This not only saves time but also makes your code more reliable.

Imagine having a tool that guides you, showing you the right way to talk to different parts of your application. Well, trpc does just that! It's like having a personal assistant that helps you communicate with your codebase in a way that's easy to understand.

As you grow as a developer, TRPC remains a loyal companion. It's there to make sure your code stays in tip-top shape, even when your project becomes as big as a skyscraper. So, if you're just starting your journey with TypeScript, give TRPC a try – it might just become your new favorite sidekick in the coding adventure!

Happy Coding :)